Traditional Games federation of India

Games are a fun way of getting your child to learn – without them even realising it!
Traditional Games are Old time games which were played by Children in old times but as the time passed children got so engaged in their modern day busy lives surrounded by Smart phones and other distractions and forgot about the Traditional games.
Traditional Games are so fun and beneficial for children
Some of the most popular traditional games are Kancha. Lattoo. Gilli danda. Kith Kith, wrestling etc which were being played by the children in older times.

These games can also be of great benefit to them, they require physical activity, social skills, creativity, imagination, competition, camaraderie… and many more benefits that could fill an entire article. Quite simply, traditional games stimulate growth of children physically as well as intellectually.

Traditional Games federation of India (TGFI) is a Non-Profit & Non-government Organisation , Commited to promote Traditional Games in India.

The role of the association is to Promote Our old Played Traditional games amoung children and youth because they are forgetting Traditonal games and now getting stucked with Electronic Devices.

Traditional Games federation of India (TGFI) was initiated by Dr. Kuldeep Sumanakshar President of Thaiboxing Indian Federation, a well known Yoga Expert and Martial arts Black Belt 4 Dan Achiever and Has experience in Many sports Since Last 20-25 Years. He has also written many Yoga and Martial Arts Books like Yog Sanskriti and many more Books. He has been appeared in Articles of many Famous newspapers in India.

Traditional Games federation of India has been working for 10 years for the development of Traditional games amoung youth in India.

Traditional Games federation of India has organised many events and competition at national and state level for children so that they get to know about their Traditional games.

Many state units are working with us currently

It is not only about Traditonal games promotion we are also creating Employment by our federation by organising many types of Events and competitions for children.

Indian Goverment also promotes development of Traditional games in India knowing it is beneficial for youth and children of India.

Traditional Games do not only benefit children in getting fit but also help children socialise with other players in competitions and events as Traditional games in most of the countries are same.

By this Federation we want children to get themselves engage in traditional Games which would help them develop physically and mentally and children would Learn various things about Our Traditional culture and game by Participating in Traditional games.

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